Sonntag, 18. November 2012

Selfmade Flower Bracelet

So, hatte leider extrem viel zu tun und wollte mir eigentlich erst ein neues Design für den Blog überlegen bevor ich weitermache...
Ich werde das ganze in den nächsten paar Tagen verändern, möchte aber trotzdem jetzt schon ein paar meiner selbstgemachten Sachen zeigen :)

Hier ist ein selbstgemachtes Armband mit Blümchenanhängern und Perlen:
Here is a bracelet with selfmade flower and pearl pendants:

Was man dazu braucht / What you need: 
Ausstecher in Blütenform / cookie cutter in shape of a flower
goldener Draht /  golden wire
Perlen / pearls
Zange /  pliers
Buntstift oder ähnliches zum Formen und Löcher machen /
Pencil or something similar for shaping and making holes

 Erst das Fimo dünn ausrollen und kleine Blümchen ausstechen.
First roll out Fimo and cut out little flowers.

Dann formen und ein Loch machen
Then form and make a little hole

So sollte es aussehen / It should look like this 

Dann formt man den Draht so, dass eine Schlaufe entsteht. 
Then you form a loop with the wire.

 Darauf wird die Perle aufgefädelt, bei manchen auch eine Blume nach dazu. Teilweise habe ich auch nur die kleineren Blumen ohne Perlen aufgefädelt.
Put the pearl on the wire and on some also a flower. Sometimes I just put the little flowers without pearls on the wire.

Zuerst habe ich nur die großen Blumen und Perlen ans Armband gehängt...
First, I just put bigger flowers and pearls onto the bracelet...

... dann habe ich noch kleinere Blumen dazu gehängt und ich finde, so schaut es noch schöner aus.
...then I also put smaller flowers on it to make it look even nicer.

Ich hoffe es hat euch gefallen und viel Spaß beim Selbermachen!
I hope you like this tutorial!! :)

Mittwoch, 5. September 2012

Selfmade Bracelets

 (I hate it when I'm completely without make-up, but I'm too lazy now ^^)

That's my first try of making friendship bracelets on my own ... It takes some time, but I like it - I feel a bit like a little child :D
And you can personalize it as you want - with studs, beads and whatever you like

I got the idea from this blog: and cannot stop now making them ^^

Greek Marilyn ... or something like that ^^

My new Asos belt - Now on sale :) The dress is again from a kind Ebay seller... It reminds me of clouds, love that!

Mittwoch, 29. August 2012

Perfect food for the last hot days...

Lunch has to be warm, if you ask me. But if its hot outside, its hard to find something to eat which is warm and not too heavy, but I made it :) So here's pangasius filet in tomato sauce with zucchini-couscous:

I completely made this recipe on my own, which means that it must be easy ;)
So you need: (for 4 persons)

  • 4 pangasius filets
  • about 100 ml white wine
  • about 500 ml tomato puree
  • one teaspoon sugar
  • a bit curry and curcuma
  • a half onion
  • 1 piece of garlic
  • 1 cup couscous
  • about 400 ml vegetable soup
  • 1 little zucchini
  • a bit of pumpkin seed
So first you fry the fish in a pan and add the wine after some minutes. Then boil for about 10 minutes, take the fish out an put it in a warm pot. Chop the onion and garlic and broil it in the pan. Then add the tomato puree, later the sugar, curry and curcuma and a bit salt and pepper. Broil until it is not so liquid anymore.
Then you fry the zucchini in another pan, when its smooth add couscous and vegetable soup. Cover for some minutes, and when the water disappears and the couscous is soft, its ready :) Otherwise add a bit of water and cover again.
Add a bit of minced pumpkin seed on the couscous and enjoy!!

Today's delivery...

Wohoo! Finally got my new Topshop-bikini from a private seller ( - It is so sweet and fits perfectly :)
Also got my ordered revets, now I can continue working on my leather jacket...

Woohoo! Eeendlich meinen neuen Bikini von Topshop bekommen, den ich in einem Facebook-Secondhand-Shop gefunden habe:
- Sooo süß und passt mir sogar richtig gut! :)
Und auch meine Nieten sind endlich angekommen, jetzt kann ich meine Lederjacke weiter bearbeiten *hehe*

Dienstag, 28. August 2012


My first selfmade cupcakes :) for the birthday of my best friend. Delicious!! 

Meine ersten selbstgemachten Cupcakes für meine Allerliebste zum Geburtstag :) (wenn ich das Wort Allerbeste hör muss ich einfach automatisch an Proletentussis denken...) Auf jeden Fall eine Sünde wert ;)

Recipe (about 8 big cupcakes):
130 g butter
130 g sugar
3 eggs
130 g flour / Mehl
2 spoons cocoa / Kakaopulver
3 bananas
1 teaspoon baking powder / Backpulver

Stir butter, sugar, eggs, flour and cocoa until it's tender, then add mashed bananas and baking powder.
Fill it in muffin forms and bake 20 min.
Brighter cream is made of butter, sugar and a bit of milk and vanilla extract mixed with green colour, the other topping is selfmade strawberry-joghurt (unfortunately a bit too liquid...).


Montag, 27. August 2012

Flower hairband - 2nd try

Although I liked my first selfmade flower headband, it is a bit too big to wear it everyday. So I started a second try and I'm very satisfied :)

Obwohl mir mein erster selbstgemachten Blumenhaarreif schon gut gefallen hat, ist er leider zu groß und auffällig zum Normal-Tragen, deswegen hab ich noch einen zweiten Versuch gestartet - und ich bin sehr zufrieden! :)


Tadaaa!! :)

Last days of summer?

I'm addicted to vintage stylings and so one of my favourite accessoires is the clock necklace. I ordered it from an Ebay seller and I really love it!!

Shirt is from Naschmarkt (a flea market) in Vienna and shortened myself.

I bought the dress from Forever 21, but shortened it myself. Unfortunately, it is now a bit too short, so I always wear another skirt under it ^^

Shoes (Ellos) are also bought from Ebay, from a private seller - As you can see, I like buying things online, especially from Ebay. Sadly, there are no real vintage shops or good flea markets in Austria, so I have to order a lot of things ;)

Flower Hairband

I've made a hairband myself because I haven't found the perfect hairband in shops ... 
All I used was a round thick wire and some fake flowers and leaves, which I fixed with thin wire.
I hope you like it!! :)