Dienstag, 28. August 2012


My first selfmade cupcakes :) for the birthday of my best friend. Delicious!! 

Meine ersten selbstgemachten Cupcakes für meine Allerliebste zum Geburtstag :) (wenn ich das Wort Allerbeste hör muss ich einfach automatisch an Proletentussis denken...) Auf jeden Fall eine Sünde wert ;)

Recipe (about 8 big cupcakes):
130 g butter
130 g sugar
3 eggs
130 g flour / Mehl
2 spoons cocoa / Kakaopulver
3 bananas
1 teaspoon baking powder / Backpulver

Stir butter, sugar, eggs, flour and cocoa until it's tender, then add mashed bananas and baking powder.
Fill it in muffin forms and bake 20 min.
Brighter cream is made of butter, sugar and a bit of milk and vanilla extract mixed with green colour, the other topping is selfmade strawberry-joghurt (unfortunately a bit too liquid...).


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